Back to Contents Page Regulatory: I ordered the yy from Dell as well. The information below is provided by the supplier of the referenced device without independent verification by Dell and is subject to the. Instead we can search and control the videos from our sofa with the gyration action and even check our FaceBook pages. They are sold under the following branding:
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Back to Contents Page Television: Introduction to the Dell Premium Remote Control. If anyone is thinking of doing this hack, order the adapter before dfll a remote, you might get it for free.

Other keys send standard sequences that mythtv really ought to understand out of the box, but doesn't. Back to Contents Page Regulatory: Now if only Logitech would include this in their Harmony Remotes they would be the complete solution.

DELL Premium Remote Control User Manual

I remember this well, I was one of the first to give it a go after it was worked out how to do it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Anyone have gyraion PN or something maybe we can call it in? The gyratoin still seems to be available if you call dell direct for replacement parts, albeit at There are a number of ways to get the remote working on Linux: This mapping really should be handled at the mythtv level. Back to Contents Page Programming: Page of 21 Go. Thank you for this great, quick and easy hack! We wrapped the exposed wires in electrical tape, and then installed the Thomson driver on our computer.

DELL Premium Remote Control User Manual - Page 1 of 21 |

From here you can view songs by album or artist and even access your playlist. I ordered the yy from Dell as well.

My daughters and I watch hours of videos on Hulu, Netflix and Youtube. Learn how your comment data is processed.

Back to Contents Page Introduction: Was much less expensive then the price mentioned in this article and is the exact one pictured. Everything was fine before installing the driver.

I restarted my mediacenter machine and it says… no operating system found. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here LinuxMCE now supports this device. Notify me of new gyrration via email.

Dell Gyration Remote - Hardware - LibreELEC Forum

If you do gyratioj the remote on eBay be aware that the remote will only work with the RH card. The LCD is awesome when you dont want to turn on your monitor for connectivity. Word to the contrary would be welcome. Email required Address never made public.

Artboard Artboard Artboard Artboard. Like a lot of modern households, mine has switched to a PC based entertainment center.

Gyration-based MCE Remotes

Overall thanks for this, It looks like it will be awesome once i get the kinks ironed out. The mouse functionality also works out of gyratioh box.

Note that some of the keys work out of the box.
