Lead Rating hidden possible values: SafeNet Minidriver is a perfect solution for IT departments who need minimal administrative support and just need a light solution. The following fields are optional and should only be modified by the system administrator. From SafeNet Site hidden This field should not be changed: Cookie Keyword hidden text field for keeping extra info: Thank you for your interest in our products.
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Previously, organizations wanting to take advantage of smart cards for strong authentication needed to purchase and install proprietary systems, which are both costly and difficult to support. Cookie Keyword hidden text field for keeping extra info: The following field values need to be defined by the editor.

More than a billion people worldwide use the company's products and services for telecommunications, financial services, e-government, identity management, multimedia content, digital rights management, IT security, mass transit and many other applications.

Cross, director program management, Windows Security, Microsoft Corporation. Overview Features Contact Us SafeNet Minidriver offers lightweight PKI management functionality and is perfect for small to medium size businesses with limited deployments.

Title field value.

This allows organizations to easily deploy smart cards by downloading the minidriver from Microsoft Update. Minifriver Minidriver is a perfect solution for IT departments who need minimal administrative support and just need a light solution.

ActionType hidden this is the name of the Action that has been defined by IT when the form has been submitted. Turn off more accessible mode. Lead Rating hidden possible values: SafesITe Classic Trusted PKI card minidriver provides convenient, low cost deployment and management to protect digital identities and secure data. Rating hidden possible values: From SafeNet Site hidden This field should not be changed: For more information please visit www.

CID hidden text field for keeping extra info: Gemalto was formed in June by the combination of Axalto and Gemplus.

SE Keyword hidden text field for keeping extra info: Minnidriver Tag hidden text field for keeping extra info: Turn on more accessible mode. By default the "About Safenet" menu will appear.

Form Type hidden This is the type of form, example: By submitting this form I agree to receive information from Gemalto and its affiliates as described in our Privacy statement.

Ask the system administrator for help. To test and certify minidrivers, Microsoft has developed a certification program in its Dublin, Ireland-based development center. SafeNet Minidriver offers lightweight PKI management functionality and is perfect for small to medium size businesses with limited deployments.

The following field values should be altered by the system administrator only. Pierre and Miquelon St.

Gemalto Minidriver Now Microsoft Certified and Windows Ready

SafeNet Minidriver provides a simple alternative to developing a legacy cryptographic service provider CSP by encapsulating the complex monidriver operations from the card Minidriver vendor. Please fill out and submit the form to receive more information about Gemalto or to be contacted by a Gemalto specialist. Thank you for your interest in our products. Fully compliant with the Microsoft Minidriver v7 specifications, with some additional advanced features such as PIN Policy.

The gemalto.neh fields are optional and should only be modified by the system administrator. Back to Top Contact Us Thank you for your interest in our products. Gemalto provides end-to-end digital security solutions, from the development of software applications through design and production of personal devices such as smart cards, SIMs, e-passports, and tokens to the deployment of managed services for its customers.
