Click here to review our site terms of use. So can anyone out there help me? This is my output to 'lspci' command: OK, great tips on grabbing something from a repository, load RPM, yum etc. This answer is blatantly wrong for this adapter. I cannot get my Broadcom b43 wireless adapter to register with Ubuntu.
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Will you please accept my answer? Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. This made the card rather voluminous, cumbersome and noisy.

Turn your computer nvidia mcp51 network bus enumerator a WiFi hot spot, show connected devices, and share your Internet connection. Results 1—1 of 1 1.

I didnt see additional drivers until i had a wired connection and ran apt-get update. Sign up using Email and Password.

I loaded SUSI last night. That was when EKWB decided to design a networl water block to be employed with this remarkable graphics adapter.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Slackware This Forum is for the discussion of Slackware Linux. Ubuntu seems to be unable to detect the wireless card. Now, how do I get the device built? Why should I share my scoops? How do i log in as Admin? Summary do we really need the 10 or more pages of drivers when they all just nework u to nvidias website? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. The model is developed in the most spread tower framework with nvidia mcp51 network bus enumerator two-section heatsink; this promotes for the installation of more than two fans which are able to ensure the maximal nvidia mcp51 network bus enumerator activity.

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Kernel configuration is invalid. I did replacement but nothing solve my problem Thank You for Submitting a Reply,! You are logged in as.

Promote cracked software, or other illegal content. Jay Stratemeyer 3. In other words, network chips are old and I need drivers. Thanks for your help.

Email Required, but never shown. Yes this is the vesion of kernel I use, but how nnetwork install that module should I use; modprobe kernel-modules-smp View LQ Wiki Contributions.


Thank You for Submitting a Reply,! The install did not link to a device.

I can't find the link, but I remember reading it on the nVidia website that their driver is basically obsolete. Slackware 14 Server ,OpenSuse It netwotk that forcedeth is not the driver for my network card. Troubles with ethernet, nvidia nforce networking controller. In my case, it had additional drivers for my Broadcom, i checked the radio button, applied it and rebooted. Sign up using Facebook.
